January 26, 2023

The Guardian: Can video games change people’s minds about the climate crisis?

The Guardian speaks to a range of studios participating in the Green Game Jam, the yearly initiative conducted by the Playing for the Planet Alliance, which was co-founded by Playmob.

“Within other mediums, it’s more of a passive experience. With games, you get to be part of a story – you have a say in its outcome.”

Read the full article here: https://www.theguardian.com/games/2023/jan/26/can-video-games-change-peoples-minds-about-the-climate-crisis

The article goes in to identify whether this content has a place in games, and our recent study (full report published on our website here) confirms it; “Of 389,594 respondents (split evenly across men and women with the greatest number between the ages of 21 to 39), 78.6% believe that gaming could help them learn about the environment and 35.4% want to see more environmental content in their games. Nearly two-thirds of respondents (61.1%) said they would be motivated to pay for environmentalist content if it added to their in-game experience, supported a good cause, or taught them something new”

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